Practice resources for the specialist team

For future and existing practitioners in an FDAC Specialist Team, there is a handbook to practice and a collection of templates for assessments and reports. There is also an example of weekly timetable for the specialist team.

There is also a file of resources associated with running a Parent Mentoring service as part of your FDAC. The Parent Mentor programme is one of the most distinctive features of the FDAC model: it is the only component where support to parents is provided by non-professionals. Peer mentors provide a positive role model, having experienced similar challenges themselves, and demonstrate the varying possibilities of rebuilding ones’ lives. The materials below were produced in collaboration with London FDAC to help focus the task of implementing and delivering a similar volunteer mentor scheme in your FDAC.

Resources to download

A week in the FDAC team

Download resource

FDAC Handbook Appendices

Download resource

FDAC Handbook

Download resource


Download resource

FDAC strand 3 resources

Download resource

FDAC National data collection tool resources

Download resource

Website under review

The FDAC website is currently under review to improve its design and ensure the content is up to date. We are keeping it open in the meantime so that information on FDAC is still available. If you have any questions about FDAC that you cannot see the answer for here, please contact Sophie on

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